In Events in Stuttgart

Fun events in Stuttgart in 2017

This is a post about events that were going on in Stuttgart in 2017. If you want to know what’s happening in 2018, click here.

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: CMT

If you’re following my blog for a while, you might know that Moritz and LOVE to travel. Ah, what do I say, we’re addicted! 😉 So visiting the CMT, the world’s largest public trade fair for tourism and leisure is a must. We always get great inspiration for our next trips. Plus, visiting all the stands from the different countries and enjoying shows and international food samples is a lot of fun! You can visit CMT between January 14 and 22 at Messe Stuttgart.

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Visit the fair CMT

more about CMT

blog post about CMT from 2014

blog post about CMT from 2013

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Long Night of Museums

This is the perfect event if you want to get to know the cultural scene in Stuttgart in a short time. Last year, nearly 100 museums and cultural institutions participated. With one ticket, you have admission to all of them. The selection can be quite overwhelming so it is best to plan the night beforehand. I recommend visiting not more than four different locations, everything else gets stressful. Most of the museums offer some specials, like a band playing while you enjoy the artwork, a quiz, special tours and such. One more recommendation: try to mix well-known locations you had on your bucked list for ages with places you haven’t heard about. I promise, you will find the one or other gem. Lange Nacht der Museen will take place on March 25.

more about Long Night of Museums

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Frühlingsfest

It belongs to Stuttgart like the tv-tower: the Stuttgarter Frühlingsfest. You could call it the spring version of Oktoberfest, based at Cannstatter Wasen in Stuttgart. Next to the inevitable beer tents you will find a lot of fun rides and food stalls. The Frühlingsfest is on between April 15 and Mai 7.

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Visit Frühlingsfest

more about Stuttgarter Frühlingsfest

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Festival of Animated Film

The Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) is one of the most important events for animated film worldwide. It is all about current productions, including the intersections between games, architecture, art, design and comedy. They will put up a large screen at Schlossplatz where you can watch animated short films for free. Other productions will be screened at the movie theatres nearby. The festival will be in Stuttgart between May 2 and 7.


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more about the Festival of Animated Film

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Knights Tournament and Market

If you’re interested in medieval times, the Knights Tournament and Market at Cannstatter Wasen might be for you. Between June 15 and 18 you can watch tournaments and shows, listen to music and shop at the medieval market.

more about the Knights Tournament and Market

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Stuttgart-Lauf

You’re a runner? Then you should sign up for THE running event in Stuttgart, the Stuttgart-Lauf. Next to several runs for kids the event has its highlight on sunday with the halfmarathon and a 7-km-run. But there’s also an event for walking and nordic walking as well as a handbike- and wheelchair-halfmarathon. The Stuttgart-Run takes place on June 18 and 19.

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Participate in Stuttgart-Lauf

more about Stuttgart-Lauf

blog post about Stuttgart-Lauf from 2014

Events in Stuttgart: Heusteigviertelfest

One of my most favorite festivals and outdoor events in Stuttgart in 2017. I love the relaxed atmosphere at Heusteig quarter anyway, with all the art nouveau houses. And during the festival, it gets even lovelier. The selection of bands is great every time,  the food stands offer great snacks and drinks and everybody is very relaxed. I like! 🙂 The festival is held between July 1 and 3.

more about Heusteigviertelfest

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Colours-Dance-Festival

If I had to pick one out of all the events in Stuttgart in 2017 it would be this one: Eric Gauthier’s Colours-Dance-Festival. Dancer, choreographer and singer Eric Gauthier invented and held this festival for the first time in 2015 in Stuttgart and it was a huge success. Stuttgart was moved by colours: There was a big workshop for free at Marktplatz and several pop up events – and of course the amazing shows at Theaterhaus.

I was lucky enough to visit some of them and what can I say, I was thrilled. Dance companies from all around the world performed at Theaterhaus. Their performances were all very  different but equally brilliant. The gems of the festival were definitely the workshop where you could work with professionals like Eric himself. Well, this was 2015. And what can I say, I am so excited that the festival will come back to Stuttgart with even more companies  and events all over town! I already blocked the days between July 6 and 23 for Colours-Dance-Festival in my calendar! 🙂


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more about Colours-Dance-Festival

blog post about Colours-Dance-Festival 2015

blog post about the workshop at Marktplatz 2015

blog post about the workshop “Dance for everybody” with Eric Gauthier 2015

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Hamburger Fischmarkt

If Stuttgart is missing one thing it is the ocean. But don’t worry, you will feel close to the sea when visiting Hamburg Fish Market between July 6 and 16 at Karlsplatz. While enjoying fish in all shapes and sizes you can listen to bands from Hamburg performing traditional music from the German coast, Jazz but also pieces from musicals.

more about Hamburger Fischmarkt

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Jazz-Open

Norah Jones, Jamie Cullum and Quincy Jones are just three of the great performers that will visit Stuttgart between July 7 and 24 for the legendary Jazz-Open Stuttgart. In front of the backdrop of Altes Schloss, some of the best Jazz artists of our days will perform for us. Insider tip: If you don’t get a ticket for your favorite act anymore, bring a blanket and sit down on the grass in front of the entrance and listen to the music while having a picnic.

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Visit Jazz-Open Stuttgart

more about Jazz-Open Stuttgart

blog post about Zaz at Jazz-Open Stuttgart 2013

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Festival of Lights

Höhenpark Killesberg is a treasure already. But when it is lit with thousands of lights on a warm summer night, it will take your breath away. Not to mention the firework! Lichterfest is truly a beautiful experience for the whole family. It is held on July 8 all over Höhenpark Killesberg.

Photo credit: in.Stuttgart / Isabell Munck

more about Lichterfest

Events in Stuttgart: Summer Festival of Cultures

Stuttgart has become a melting pot of cultures. This is most visible at Sommerfestival der Kulturen, when participants from all around the world express their cultural background in shows, with food and artwork. Between July 11 and 16 you can join the festival at Marktplatz.

more about Sommerfestival der Kulturen

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Bohnenviertelfest

At Bohnenviertel you get an idea of how Stuttgart looked like in older days. It is the last remaining part of the historical old town of Stuttgart and a cozy place with all its old houses and narrow streets. Fun fact: the Bohnenviertel, which translates into bean quarter, got its name from the beans that the inhabitants planted in their front yards, centuries ago. 🙂 During Bohnenviertelfest, between July 20 and 22, the quarter comes to live and local shop owners, artists, craftsman and restaurants move their products outside. You can stroll through the historic streets, shop a bit here and have a bite there. Definitely a festival with a lot of flair.

more about Bohnenviertelfest

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Stuttgarter Sommerfest

Not my most favorite festival amongst all the events in Stuttgart in 2017 but still worth mentioning it because of its location: The Stuttgart Summer Festival is located around Ecksee, right in front of the opera house in Schlosspark. Quite an outstanding location. In my opinion it is a bit posh and overpriced but nevertheless a nice place to hang out and have a cocktail while listening to live music on a hot summer evening. It is held between August 3 and 6 this year.

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Visit Stuttgarter Sommerfest

more about Stuttgarter Sommerfest

blog post about Stuttgarter Sommerfest 2013

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Stuttgart Wine Festival

Stuttgart is a mecca for wine lovers. Not only because of all the vineyards spread around the city, also because of the annual Stuttgarter Weindorf. 28 open-air restaurants, the typical “Weinlauben“, offer 500 local wines and local food. The relaxed festival for food and wine lovers is held between August 30 and September 10 in the city center.

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Visit Stuttgarter Weindorf

more about Stuttgarter Weindorf

blog post about Stuttgarter Weindorf 2015

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Cannstatter Volksfest

Forget crowded Oktoberfest, visit Cannstatter Volksfest! 😉 Fun rides, food stalls and of course beer tents await you between September 22 and October 8 at Cannstatter Wasen. 

more about Cannstatter Volksfest

blog post about Cannstatter Volksfest 2012

Events in Stuttgart in 2017: Weltweihnachtszirkus

Fun for the young and the young at hearts 😉 World Christmas Circus has a long tradition here in Stuttgart. Top artists from all around the world perform in the big tent at Cannstatter Wasen between December 7 and January 7.

more about Weltweihnachtszirkus

So these are my favorite events in Stuttgart in 2017. What are you looking forward to the most? Let me know in the comments.




Hello and welcome to "living in Stuttgart". I am Mel and I love this beautiful city. There are so many things to explore, I can't wait sharing them with you. So come along and let me show you Stuttgart the way I see it.

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