Hello and welcome to “Living in Stuttgart”. I am Mel. I was Born and raised in Stuttgart. After school I moved away from my hometown because I thought that Stuttgart’s quite a boring place to live. But while studying and working in cities like Sydney, Prague, Brussels and Cardiff – which I all loved wholeheartedly – I found more and more things about Stuttgart that I missed. While in Sydney,  it was the change in seasons, the white winter wonderland and –  don’t laugh – the reliable public transportation system. While in Prague, it was the great Stuttgart thermal baths. When I lived in Brussels, I missed the green vineyards surrounding the city and in Cardiff, it was the food.

So each time I came back to my hometown, I grew even more fond of it. Then, after I had finished my studies, I had to decide where I wanted to live. As my then boyfriend (now husband :-))  was already a Stuttgart-lover and didn’t like the idea of moving somewhere else at all, I gave Stuttgart another chance. I went on trips in and around the city borders. Instead of  always going to Königstrasse for a drink with friends I started branching out and discovered wonderful cafés and bars that I had never recognized before and I found the cultural diversity in Stuttgart to be quite interesting. So slowly but surely I found myself falling in love with Stuttgart.

And this process has just begun. There are so many places and activities to explore that I am very happy to have decided to stay for good and thus have all the time in the world to get to know this city better everyday.

So why this blog?

When I lived abroad, especially in countries where I didn’t speak the language, it was sometimes hard to get to know the place all by myself. I would have loved some up-to-date information in English about what’s going on and where to go. So when I started to explore Stuttgart and find interesting places and things to do, I wanted to share it with everybody new to the city who would like to know what this place has to offer. So sit back and let me show you Stuttgart the way I see it.