In New mom in Stuttgart

Being the mom of a 9 months old baby in Stuttgart

mom of a 9 months old baby in Stuttgart

These are strange times.. On the one hand I feel trapped in “Groundhog Day” with the daily routines repeating each other. On the other hand the little one keeps growing and developing and she is picking up new skills and habits every week. Here comes my personal mom-life update as mom of a 9 months old baby in Stuttgart.


How is the little one at 9 months?

She has now finally started to crawl on her knees and hands. Moreover she has learned to pull herself up in the playpen and she can stand for minutes now when she can hold on to something. She was so proud when she did that for the first time, it was too cute 🙂

9 months old baby in Stuttgart

Unfortunately she has still troubles falling asleep and with sleeping in general. Remember, I pointed that out in my last mom-life update already and is hasn’t changed much since then… We think it is a combination of the development step she is going through at the moment according to The Wonder Weeks [affiliate link] – and because she is getting 4 (F-O-U-R !!) new teeth at the same time at the moment. Good lord, why four at the same time?!! In the pharmacy they have recommended Denti Nox gel when she is in pain. You can also order it online at amazon [affiliate link] or buy it at your nearest dm. I have the feeling it helps.

On the food front we have arrived at three purees per day now. We feed her one milk-grain-fruit purree for breakfast, vegetable-potatoes-meat puree for lunch and semolina pudding (Grießbrei) with blended fruits for dessert. The semolina pudding is her favorite 🙂 I use Grießbrei from Holle [affiliate link] which you can as well find at dm for example. It is organic and has the Demeter standard which is the highest standard of organic food in Germany. And the little one seems to love it, so win-win 🙂 Next to the purees we have started to offer her little portions of food she can nibble on, like pieces of bread, avocado, banana and baby crackers like these rice-lentil-rings from dm babylove. She is not eating much of these items but she is curious to try everything. I will put together about the German way of introducing food to your baby next week so stay tuned for that.

What is she loving lately?

  • Playing hide-and-seek! I hide behind the doorframe of one of our rooms and stick my head out to say “Kuckuck” (peek-a-boo :-)). She laughs and comes crawling towards me. I hide again, stick my head out again and say Kuckuck again. And she laughs again. Joy can be that simple. When have we adults forgotten about that?! 🙂 hide and seek with baby
  • Browsing through children’s books with thick pages. She is very good with turning every single page by herself. Sometimes she doesn’t even look at the pictures, it is all about turning the pages. In order to get some new books I have planned to visit the cute English bookshop Sweet Things and Stories in Malmsheim for a while already. I hope I find the time to do that in the near future. All fellow moms, what children’s books can your recommend??
  • Birds. When I say the German word “Vogel” or make the sound “Piep-Piep” she turns her head and looks for the nearest window. And when we stand at the window or are outside and she sees a bird she instantly stretches our her little arm and points her finger at the bird. My little ornithologist 🙂
  • Her new hat 🙂 She usually isn’t a huge hat-lover but luckily she likes this cute baby turban that we got as a present recently. If you have read my post 7 things I am loving lately you know the story already. On our flight back home from Australia we sat next to a lovely family from Estonia. It turned out the mom has just started her own business Nikiki and manufactures these lovely baby turbans. I was just about to order one when we were back home when she send me one as a present. And I am so in love with it! It looks SO good and the material (organic cotton) is very comfy and soft. And the best: She has now started to sell the same hat for adults as well! I will definitely get one for myself so that the little one and I can twin!! 😀 If you are looking for a new hat for your baby (or yourself :-)) or a lovely present for a (expecting) mom, please check out their website and support a fellow mom and new-business owner! You find more info and her online shop here: Nikiki Baby Turban

So that was month 9 with my baby girl. Let’s wait and see what the next months holds in store for us 🙂


Hello and welcome to "living in Stuttgart". I am Mel and I love this beautiful city. There are so many things to explore, I can't wait sharing them with you. So come along and let me show you Stuttgart the way I see it.

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Posted on March 15, 2020

Previous Post7 things I'm loving lately
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1 Comment

  1. Being the mom of a 10 months old baby in Stuttgart - Living in Stuttgart
    4 years ago

    […] is SO active! After she had started to pull herself up last month she is standing now whenever she can. She is standing when she is flipping through picture books […]


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