In Events in Stuttgart

Events this May in Stuttgart

May in Stuttgart

I really hope that we are through with this crazy April weather now. I am longing for sunshine and warmer temperatures. And what has started in April – the season of outdoor events – will continue this May in Stuttgart. As every month, I’ve put together my personal highlights that are fun to visit even if you don’t speak German.

[This post contains nonpaid advertisements based on personal recommendations.]

  • If you want to stay fit throughout May you can join one of the many classes of Sport im Park/Sports in the Park. They are taking place all over Stuttgart and are for free. Events this May in Stuttgart: try Sport im Park!
  • The Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) is one of the most outstanding events for animated film worldwide. I like their open air program in particular: it’s free and sitting at Schlossplatz on a warm spring afternoon, watching fun animated films is just a great experience! You can try if for yourself until May 5.
  • The Frühlingsfest, the small brother of Wasen, is still going on until May 12. Don’t miss your chance to dance on a table and to drink a huge glass of beer this May in Stuttgart :-).
  • You like Queen? Then you don’t want to miss the music show Queen Heaven on fridays at 8pm or on saturdays at 6 pm this May in Stuttgart!
  • Eliszis historical fun fair at Killesberg is a great place to visit anyway. Between May 1 and 5 you can enjoy original street theater in their circus tent. Hip Hop, Breakdance, Salsa und BMX await you.
  • What do animation and science have in common? Find out at the symposium in English at Literaturhaus Stuttgart on May 1.
  • Österreichischer Platz goes café. Every Thursday this month, starting on May 2, you can enjoy Espresso and Cookies at the place that doesn’t really exist.

    May in Stuttgart coffee
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  • Have you ever heard of One Page Plays? The whole plot must fit on one piece of paper. You can imagine these plays are very short, super fast paced and highly entertaining. You can enjoy them at Theater am Olgaeck on May 2 and 9. The scripts are all written by the writers collective Writers in Stuttgart and actors of the New English American Theater.
  • If you want to demonstrate for a more biker friendly environment in Stuttgart you can join the movement Critical Mass on May 3 at Feuersee. Don’t forget to bring your bike.
  • In need for more green in your apartment? Then you can visit the Pflanzentauschbörse/Plant exchange at Österreichischer Platz on May 4. Bring your green friends and swop them.
  • Be prepared to laugh the night away at English Comedy Night on May 4 at Climax Institutes.
  • With May comes the time of Hofflohmärkte. You can shop for fun stuff in Stuttgart-West on May 4, Bad Cannstatt on May 11 and Lehen- /Heusteig- /Stitzenburgviertel on May 25. Events this May in Stuttgart: visit a fea market!
  • Enjoy a Gospel Concert on May 5 at Leonhardskirche.
  • Ride your bike in style and do good at the same time at Stuttgart Tweed Run on May 5. Put on your nicest tweed and join! The money that will be earned through the event will be donated.
  • If you want to learn how to express yourself, join the Group Expat Meetup for an Acting class on May 8.
  • The multimedia play Past-Present-Past draws parallels between 1933 and today. It will be performed in English at Theaterhaus Stuttgart between May 8 and 11.
  • Stuttgart Expat Meetups will organize a Craft Beer Night on May 10.
  • The Frühlingsfest ends on May 12 with a firework show that will start at 9:30 pm. Definitely a special treat.

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  • Enjoy the fireworks at Frühlingsfest from the water. The cruise company Neckar Käptn offers a fun cruise event on May 12 with tra­di­tion­al Bava­rian and Swabian spe­ci­al­­ties, cold beer and soft­drinks.
  • On May 15 the New English American Theater will introduce a new plat at Theater am Olgaeck: Graceland – a story about two women who both admire Elvis and want to get into his mansion after his death. You can also enjoy the play on May 22 in the same theater.
  • Explore the many different kinds of bread we have here in Stuttgart at Brotmarkt/Bread market on May 16 at Schlossplatz.
  • On May 16 you can learn more about Marielle Franco, a Brazilian politician who got shot in 2018. The reading and talk will be held in German and Portuguese.
  • Shop for used books at the English Second Hand Book Sale at St. Catherines Church on May 18.
  • Are you a wine lover? Than you don’t want to miss Lange Nacht der Weine/Long Night of Wines on May 18 at Wagenhallen. 136 different wines will be waiting for you (don’t feel challenged to try all of them!! ;-))

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  • The street food season has begun! Don’t miss the Street Food Festival on May 18 and 19 at Pariser Platz in Zuffenhausen.
  • Join a Wine Walk in Esslingen on May 19.
  • On May 19 you can shop till you drop for lovely second hand stuff at Großer Frühlingsflohmarkt/Great Spring Flea Market at Markt-/Karls- and Schillerplatz.
  • Dance Milonga at Stadtpalais Stuttgart on May 19.
  • May 19 is Museumstag/Day of Museums. This means you can visit many locations for free, like Weissenhofmuseum, Kunstmuseum or Mercedes-Benz-Museum.
  • Between May 23 and 26 Theater am Olgaeck celebrates the International Amateur Theater Festival. Theaters from all around the world will perform in Stuttgart on these days in their own languages, for example: Common Grounds in Spanish on May 24 or The Dybbuk in Hebrew on May 25.
  • Join the weekend warmup Von Banksy bis Beats/From Banksy till Beats on May 25 at Saatsgalerie – live spraying, video performances and live music included. Love is in the bin - Banksy in Stuttgart
  • This is something for everyone who has read Adam Douglas’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: May 25 is Towel Day! When you bring a towel to Planetarium Stuttgart on that day you get free admission between 3 and 4:40 pm.
  • On May 25 you can dance Salsa under the Stars at a very special location: the Atrium at Mercedes-Benz Museum
  • There is a Expat Camping Trip coming up on May 25 and 26, organized by Stuttgart Expat Meetups.
  • Stuttgart Lauf, Stuttgart’s biggest event for runners, will take place on May 25 and 26. Sign up now!
  • Your vote counts! On March 26 citizens of the EU can vote for the European Parliament and the council of Stuttgart!
  • How about a fun family breakfast on the water? On May 30 you can join Huckleberry’s Raft, a cruise on Stuttgart’s 1st Party Raft, all you can eat and drink included.
  • If you like ukulele music you should not miss the Ukulele Festival at Laboratorium between May 30 and June 2.

Courses for English-speakers at volkshochschule stuttgart

As you guys know I have formed a non-paid cooperation with volkshochschule stuttgart for this semester. From my previous post about their new international program you might remember that I am a huge fan of their new courses in English. This semester I want to point out several courses every month. Here is what awaits us this May in Stuttgart:


Transparency: This article contains unpaid advertisements. In this post I point out events that are going on this May in Stuttgart that I can recommend personally. I did not get paid by the organizers to do so. Paid contend is always highlighted as such on Living in Stuttgart. Moreover, I researched the information about the events to my best knowledge but I cannot be hold responsible for any inaccuracy.

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Hello and welcome to "living in Stuttgart". I am Mel and I love this beautiful city. There are so many things to explore, I can't wait sharing them with you. So come along and let me show you Stuttgart the way I see it.

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