In Events in Stuttgart

August in Stuttgart in times of Corona

August in Stuttgart

The recent heat wave shouted it down from the burning hot rooftops in Stuttgart: It is summer in the city. But this year even summer feels different because Corona is still happening. As I told you in my previous monthly event post I am debating with myself every time which events I should point out as I don’t want to help spread the virus. And I personally am convinced that there will be a next wave/peak after the summer vacation period if we all don’t pay attention to the rules and regulations. I know, wearing a mask when it has 35 degrees feels horrible. But there is no other way. And – all Game of Thrones fans will know nod their heads now- winter is coming, that’s for sure. So let’s try to enjoy the summer as much as we can while still being and acting responsible.

Here comes my personal small selection of events that are going on this August in Stuttgart that are somewhat safe to visit in times of Corona:

  • For two years in a row the art installation Stuttgart am Meer (Stuttgart by the sea) at Stadtpalais Stuttgart has brought breach vibes to downtown Stuttgart. This year the festival has changed it’s name to Kopf über Wasser (head above water) and its goal is to help all of us to get through the pandemic as good and happy as we can. You can for example book a time slot for your personal visit to “the dues of Stuttgart” at Stadtpalais and escape the heat of the city – or you have a little BBQ! The art installation has opened its gates on August 1 and will take place at Stadtpalais until September 13.
  • Stuttgarter Kulturwasen is still going. The pop-up drive-in cinema shows movies in their original versions like Le Mans 66 on August 5, The big Lebowski on August 6,  Bohemian Rhapsody on August 11, or Little Women on August 18.
  • And another cultural institution in Stuttgart has come up with creative ideas how to bring some summer vacation vibes to the city for all of us who won’t be able to travel this year: Landesmuseum Stuttgart in the city center has turned its inner courtyard in a summer paradise – with sunbeds, parasols and the opportunity to order fun summer drinks. On the weekends various artists will perform for you while respecting all the corona rules at the same time. Sommer im Schloss (summer at the castle) will take place until August 16. 
  • The flea market at Karlsplatz will come back weekly on August 8. There will be only half of the stands and you will have to obey to the distancing rules and wear a mask but if you love shopping for second hand finds, this is your event!
  • The beloved wine festival Stuttgarter Weindorf will take place virtually this year between August 26 and September 6. Wine tastings, fun interviews and more await us. However the streaming will be in German so you should be able to understand a bit of the language in order to enjoy the livestream.
  • If you are looking for some fun, open air activities with y0ur children, check out these locations:


Hello and welcome to "living in Stuttgart". I am Mel and I love this beautiful city. There are so many things to explore, I can't wait sharing them with you. So come along and let me show you Stuttgart the way I see it.

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