In Cafes, bars and restaurants in Stuttgart

Lunch at Academie der schönsten Künste

Hi guys! I hope you’re enjoying this long Easter weekend. I can’t believe how lovely the weather was today. Unfortunately, it’s supposed to rain tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that… Well, if you’re in need of a place for a nice breakfast or lunch in order to hide while it’s raining cats and dogs, you should try Academie der schönsten Künste at Charlottenplatz!

Akademie der schönsten Künste

This place has been around since the 70s – in those days it was known as “Bernd’s Lädle”. Ever since it has been an institution when it comes to French style breakfast and a cozy atmosphere. Even today, artists, students, business people, and freelancers meet at Academie der schönsten Künste.

Recently, I met my friend Julia there for lunch and I wanted to share my fond feelings for this place with you guys. Let’s have a look inside:

Akademie der schönsten Künste
You fall in love with Academie der schönsten Künste right when you enter. Look at all the artwork on the walls and the ceiling! My favorite is the mermaid/fishbone that is hanging from the wall in the center! Smiley mit geöffnetem Mund

Inside Akademie der schönsten Künste in Stuttgart

In addition to all the art, they also offer a nice lunch menu. It comes with a side salad…

Akademie der schönsten Künste
… a main course (of course Smiley) – in my case pancakes stuffed with mushrooms:

Akademie der schönsten Künste

… and a dessert! Hmmmmmm, yummy.

Akademie der schönsten Künste
In summer you can also sit outside, at the back of the building. But I have to admit, I prefer sitting inside, in between all the paintings. Makes me feel like a little bit of an artist myself Zwinkerndes Smiley

More information about:

Academie der schönsten Künste (only in German)


Hello and welcome to "living in Stuttgart". I am Mel and I love this beautiful city. There are so many things to explore, I can't wait sharing them with you. So come along and let me show you Stuttgart the way I see it.

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Posted on August 15, 2015

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