In Life in Stuttgart

Kinothek Stuttgart – Cinema flashback

Hi guys! I love going to the movies. The atmosphere is just so different when you watch a film in a theatre. In the past, I always went to the same cinemas. But last week, I tried something new: The Kinothek in Obertürkheim.


The Kinothek doesn’t look like much from the outside but you feel like a time traveler, when you enter it. You walk past old movie posters to a theatre, that brings you back to the 60s.



Wooden chairs with small desks and table lamps await you. Moreover, there is a button on the table. If you press it during the movie, a waiter will come to you and take your order. How great is that?! There’s also a bar in the back of the room where you can order snacks and drinks before the movie starts. But don’t be astonished if you won’t find popcorn on the menu, they don’t serve it here.

And if you’re lucky, you meet Bruno, a black cat from the neighborhood, that likes movies, too! Smiley mit geöffnetem Mund


After I got myself M&M’s and Bionade, I was ready for the movie to begin.



Kinothek is a small cinema with only two screens. Thus, you won’t find all the blockbusters in their program and the movies usually start one or two weeks later than in the big cinemas. But if you’re looking for a very special and unique cinema experience, you will fall in love with this place, too.

More information about:

Kinothek (only in German)


Hello and welcome to "living in Stuttgart". I am Mel and I love this beautiful city. There are so many things to explore, I can't wait sharing them with you. So come along and let me show you Stuttgart the way I see it.

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